payment of gratuity

Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972

The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 provides for Payment of Gratuity to employees under conditions set out in the Act. Every establishment that is covered under this Act is mandated to provide benefits to all eligible employees.

Applicability & Eligibility

All shops and establishments that employ 10 or more employees come under the purview of this Act.

A shop or establishment that has become applicable to the Act shall continue to be governed under this Act notwithstanding the number of employees on their rolls at any point in time after it has become applicable.

The eligibility of employees depends on certain conditions:

  • Every employee shall be eligible for gratuity provided he or she has completed 5 years of continuous service.
  • An employee due for superannuation/retirement (58 years) is eligible for gratuity.
  • An employee who suffers disability due to sickness or accident is eligible for gratuity.
  • An employee who dies during his period of service is eligible to receive gratuity.
  • An employee who resigns from service after continuously working for 4 years and 240 days is eligible for gratuity.

Gratuity Calculation

Gratuity is calculated on the basis of the following formula:

The following formula is used to calculate Gratuity.

Gratuity = Number of years worked x 15/26 x monthly salary (Basic + DA)

For every year of service, a person gets 15 days’ salary.

The maximum limit for payment of gratuity is Rs:20 lakhs.

Records/Registers to be maintained

  • Form A has to be submitted to the controlling authority as notice regarding the opening of the establishment within 30 days of the Act becoming applicable to the establishment.
  • In the event of closure of the establishment, Form C has to be submitted within 60 days of the intended day of closure.
  • Form B to be submitted to intimate change in name, address, nature of business, etc.
  • Displaying an abstract of the Act and Rules in Form U in English or the language understood by the employees is mandatory.
  • Any employer who has their gratuity fund has to obtain Insurance cover as laid down under Section 4-A of the Act.
  • Employer has to issue a notice of payment to the employee within the stipulated period.
  • The employer has to submit all records/registers as and when called for by the controlling authority.

Penalty for contravention

Contravention of rules invites different penalties:

  • If an establishment has its gratuity fund and does not obtain Insurance cover, then a fine up to Rs:10,000/- is levied. For each day of default Rs:2,000/- is levied.
  • In the event of making false statements or representations with the intention of avoiding payment of gratuity, then the penalty is 6 months imprisonment or with a fine up to R:10,000/- or both.
  • For non-compliance with any provisions of the Act, the penalty is imprisonment for a minimum period of 3 months or a maximum of 1 year or a minimum fine of Rs:10,000/- or a maximum of Rs:20,000/-.
  • Penalty for non-payment of gratuity is imprisonment for a minimum period of 6 months with a maximum of 2 years.


The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 was enacted by the government to enable the employees to receive a form of reward for their service to the establishment. All establishments that employ 10 or more employees have to comply with the rules and regulations of these Acts. The onus is on the establishment to maintain all the employee-related records efficiently and accurately. The ideal solution to maintain these records efficiently and in an error-free manner is to outsource the entire payroll process to an efficient service provider.

GetifyHR with its vast experience in the industry and use of the latest high-end technology is a front-runner in all aspects of Payroll Processing. Their cloud-based application can handle Payroll, Attendance & Leave Management, and Statutory Compliance requirements in a most efficient manner. Handling Bonus and Gratuity issues in association with GetifyHR will naturally reduce the burden on the HR team and provide for better functioning of the organization.

shops act 2

The Shops and Establishment Act


The economic development of a country can be correlated to the efforts they take for the welfare of the workers both in the organized and unorganized sectors. The need to protect the rights of the workers and ensure safe working conditions and regulate the actions of the employers regarding the workforce has resulted in various Labour laws being passed over the years. Since Independence, India has enacted several Acts to streamline and protect the rights of employees during the period of employment and also protect their interests post-retirement.

Accordingly, the Shops and Establishment Act was enacted by each state based on a common model code.  The Act has provisions to regulate the payment of wages, working hours, leave entitlements, holidays, terms of service, and other work conditions of workers in shops and commercial establishments.

The Shops and Establishment Act applies to all shops and commercial establishments namely, business centers, stores, offices, warehouses, hotels, eateries, theatres, amusement parks, and other entertainment centers throughout the country. This is a very important labour regulation and all establishments coming under the purview of the Act have to strictly comply with the rules and regulations.

Objectives of the Act

The Shops and Establishment Act’s main objective is to protect employees’ rights by defining the benefits to them, regardless of the industry and type of establishment they are employed in. The Act is designed to regulate the Payment of wages, fix the terms of service, leave entitlements, holidays, working hours, overtime work, maternity leave and benefits, and rules regarding the employment of women and children.

Scope of the Act
  • The Labour Department governs the Shops and Establishment Act and regulates the premises wherein any trade, business, or profession is carried out.
  • The Shops and Establishment Act regulates most of the trade and businesses in India.
  • Separate Acts govern the 28 States and 9 Union Territories.
  • The Act regulates working conditions in Shops, Commercial Establishments, and also residential premises that are run for business gain.
What are the areas that the Shops and Establishment Acts regulate?
  • The Act regulates working hours and overtime.
  • Rest intervals for employees
  • Opening and closing hours are notified
  • National and religious holidays and the days when the establishment remain closed
  • Leave Policy; annual leave, Maternity leave, Sick leave, and Casual leave entitlement
  • Schedule for Payment of Wages; time and conditions.
  • Policies regarding wage deductions.
  • Termination of employment.
  • Cleanliness, lighting, and ventilation of the premises.
  • Precautions to be taken against fire.
  • Reporting accidents during working hours and maintaining the records.
  • Maintenance of various Registers.
  • Display of notices and Certificates in prominent locations.
  • Rules for the employment of children.

Key Definitions


Shop refers to any premises where goods are sold, either by retail or wholesale, or where services are rendered to customers. An office, a store room, a godown, a warehouse, or a workplace whether in the same premises or elsewhere that is used to conduct such trade or business is also referred to as a shop.

Commercial Establishment

Any premises where trade, business, profession, or any other work is undertaken is considered a commercial establishment.

This may include a registered society or trust, a charitable trust, a journalistic or printing establishment, a contractor or auditor, educational institutions, premises where banking, insurance, stock, shares, and brokerage is undertaken, hotels & eateries, lodges, resorts, clubs, theatres and other places like amusement parks and entertainment halls.

Registration under the Shops and Establishment Act
  • Since each State and Union Territory has its Shops and Establishment Act, they may follow separate regulations. The process of registration, registration-fee structure, and documentation required may be different in each state.
  • Upon starting a shop or establishment one needs to apply for the Shops & Establishment registration within the stipulated period enacted by the state regulation.

The application is to be submitted to the Chief Inspector in the form prescribed in the state. The following details have to be furnished.

  1. Name of the employee.
  2. Name, address, and category of the establishment.
  3. The number of employees.
  4. Other relevant details as called for.
  5. The registration fee is calculated based on the number of employees.

The Department of Labour of each state is authorized for the registration process. Most of the states are now following a 100% online registration process, leaving only a few states that still follow the manual filing of registration.


Since every state has its specific requirements, the documents may slightly vary from state to state. However, the following documents are required across every state for registration under the Shops and Establishment Act.

  • Certificate of Incorporation of the company/LLP
  • List of Directors or Partners with ID and Address proof
  • Partnership Deed in case of Partnership Firm
  • Copy of PAN Card or Aadhar Card
  • Address proof like on the electricity bill of the premises
  • The registration fee as prescribed by the government
Procedure for closure of the shop or establishment

If for any reason the occupier decides to close the shop or establishment, the Chief Inspector should be informed, in writing within 15 days of the proposed date of closure. The Chief Inspector will cancel the registration and remove the name from the register.

Benefits of Registration
  • Registration provides proof of legal entity and allows the conduct of business within the limits of that particular state.
  • Since it provides proof of legal entity, it helps in opening a Bank Account.
  • Registration helps to facilitate the Inspection process whenever the authorities inspect the premises.
  • Can benefit under the various schemes of Central and State governments.
Self-Certification Schemes and how it enables ease of doing business?
  • Many State governments have implemented Voluntary Compliance/Self-Certification Schemes to assist employers to overcome the complications due to the plethora of laws to be complied with, registers to be maintained, and returns to be filed.
  • The employers are free to join the scheme at any time.
  • They are motivated to comply with the rules and regulations of the Act without compromising the worker’s safety and social security.

Registration under the scheme enables automatic cover of a set of labour laws and the benefit of these laws can be availed. They include:

  1. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
  2. Payment of wages Act, 1936
  3. Payment of Bonus Act, 1956
  4. Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
  5. Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
  6. Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
  7. Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
  8. Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986

All rules as per the Central Acts and their respective State rules will apply. Those registering for the scheme are exempted from surprise inspections under the various laws. One consolidated register is required to be maintained instead of multiple registers. Only a few annual returns need to be filed instead of several returns under the various labour laws.


Complying with the rules and regulations of the Shops and Establishment Act is mandatory for all establishments. In case of failure in obtaining registration and non-compliance with the rules and regulations of the Act, the establishment would be liable to pay a fine. This varies from state to state. Repeat offenses could be liable for imprisonment and there is also the risk of receiving closure notices.


The Shops and Establishment Act is a vital piece of legislation to address the health and safety of employees. All registered establishments the Act have to strictly follow the rules and regulations. It is, therefore, important that these businesses are fully aware of the provisions of the Act and the changes that are brought in from time to time.

GetifyHR, one of the leading outsourcers of Payroll processing in the country is in its element when it comes to handling the Shops and Establishment Act, across the country. We have a high-end cloud-based package that can seamlessly handle all aspects of payroll processing, and this is backed by a team of highly experienced professionals who will assist clients in all aspects of this Act and all the other Acts about labour laws. You are just a click away from an association that would be highly beneficial in not only keeping the business fully compliant but also promoting growth.


The ESI Act, 1948 – A helping hand in the time of crises

ESI Scheme

There has been an ever-growing need to protect the interests and lives of employees against the effect of sickness, physical disability, and death due to the nature of work.  Promulgation of the Employee State Insurance Scheme as defined under the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, accomplished this need.  This was the first major legislation passed by Parliament to provide social security to workers in independent India.

People are prone to health-related eventualities more so the workers who are exposed to sickness, a physical disability that is either temporary or permanent in nature, maternity periods, and death. Such eventualities due to occupational hazards will result in loss of wage that is partial or loss of full earning capacity. The Act provides a counterbalance to such eventualities and hopes to uphold human dignity and value in times of such crises. This Act protects the worker from deprivations, destitution, and social degradation and gives a life of dignity and value.

Who does it apply to?

The ESI Scheme applies to factories and other establishments like Road Transport, Shops, Cinema Halls, Restaurants, Hotels, Educational Institutions, and Medical Institutions employing 10 or more persons.   The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation which administers the scheme has enhanced the wage limit for coverage of employees under the ESI Act.  Accordingly, employees of these organizations drawing wages up to Rs:21,000/- a month are entitled to social security cover under the ESI Act.

How do Finances work?

Social Security Schemes of his nature are usually self-financing. The ESI scheme is a self-financing scheme with contributions from the covered employees and their employers. As per the provisions of the Act, the state government meets 1/8th of the expenditure of medical benefits capped at Rs:1500/- per insured person per annum.

How do they contribute?

The ESI Scheme benefits all the employees in the factories and establishments coming under its purview. Both the employee and the employer as per the rate fixed by the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation make the contributions. The ESIC makes revision to these rates from time to time.

The prevailing rate of employee contribution is 0.75% of the wages and 3.25% of the wages payable by the employer for the first 24 months. Employees drawing an average daily wage of Rs:137/- are exempted from contributing. However, the employer has to contribute his part of the share in respect of these employees.

How the contribution is collected?

The employer has to pay his part of the contribution in respect of every employee and also the employee contribution deducted from the wages within the 15th of every month in which they fall due. The ESIC has authorized 65 Banks to collect these contributions.

Contributing period and Benefit period

The Scheme provides 2 contributing periods in a year and a corresponding 2 Benefit periods with duration of 6 months.


Contributing Period

Benefit Period


1st April to 30th September

1st January to 30th June of the following year


1st October to 31st March

1st July to 31st December of the following year

Benefits to Insured

The ESI Scheme provides the following benefits to the insured person.  Section 46 of the ESI Act provides the insured person the opportunity to avail these 6 benefits.

  1. Medical Benefits
  2. Sickness Benefits
  3. Maternity Benefits
  4. Dependent’s Benefits
  5. Disablement Benefits
  6. Other Benefits
  1. Medical Benefits: This is a benefit that starts from day one of insurable employment. Full medical benefit is provided to an insured person and his family members. The Act also covers Medical Care to retired and permanently disabled persons and their spouses on payment of a token annual premium of Rs:120/-. This benefit does not have any ceiling on expenditure incurred on the treatment.
  1. Sickness Benefits: A cash compensation of 70% of wages is payable to the insured worker during the period of certified medical care, subject to a maximum of 91 days in a year. The insured worker requires to have been working for 78 days in a 6 months contribution period. Other benefits under this include:
  • Extended Sickness Benefit (ESB): Here the sickness benefit is extendable up to two years in case the insured person is suffering from any of the 34 malignant and long-term diseases detailed therein, at an enhanced rate of 80% of the wages.
  • Enhanced Sickness Benefit: In the event of the insured person undergoing sterilization for 7 days/14 days for male and female workers respectively, they are liable to get Enhanced Sickness Benefit equal to full wages.
  1. Maternity Benefit: Female employees can avail of Maternity Benefit during confinement/pregnancy. They are eligible for 26 weeks Maternity benefit at the rate of full wage subject to contributing for 70 days in the preceding 2 contributing periods.
  1. Disablement Benefit: These are of 2 types.
  • Temporary Disablement Benefit (TDB): This is payable at the rate of 90% of the wage as long as the disability continues. A person is eligible for the benefit from day one of entering insurable employment and this is irrespective of having paid any contribution for employment injury.
  • Permanent Disability Benefit (PDB): This benefit is payable at the rate of 90% of wage every month depending upon the extent of loss of earning capacity as certified by a Medical Board.
  1. Dependent’s Benefit: Where death occurs due to occupational hazard or injury during employment, Dependent’s Benefit is payable at the rate of 90% of wage as a monthly payment to the dependents of the deceased.
  1. Other Benefits:
  • Funeral Expenses: An amount of Rs:15,000/- is payable to the dependents or the person performing the last rites in the event of the death of the insured employee. The eligibility is from day one of entering insurable employment.
  • Confinement Expenses: This is a benefit for pregnant employees who are not able to avail of maternity services of ESIC Hospitals due to unavoidable reasons and are forced to take treatment in other hospitals. The amount has been enhanced to Rs:7,500/- and these are paid for two deliveries only.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Benefit: This benefit is eligible for a permanently disabled insured person for undergoing VR training at VRS.
  • Physical Rehabilitation Benefit: This is paid to the insured in case of physical disablement due to injury suffered during employment.
  • Old Age Medical Care: For an insured employee who has retired or attained the age of superannuation or under VRS/ERS or leaving service due to permanent disability. The insured person or spouse is aid Rs:120/- per annum.
  • Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojana (01-04-2005) and Atal BeemitVyakti Kalyan Yojana (18-09-2018): These two schemes provide social security to the insured person who becomes unemployed due to: 1. Retrenchment. 2. Closure of Factory/Establishment. 3. Permanent disablement of at least 40% due to non-employment injury.

ESI Scheme – a great way to support the employee

The ESI Scheme has provided succor to a large section of employees and their dependents that have passed through a traumatic period in life due to sickness, confinement/pregnancy, and disability due to occupational hazard or death.  As of 3-03-2020, there are 3.41 crore insured persons under the scheme.

payment of act

Bonus – Rewarding the Employees


The Government has enacted The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 for making it statutory for establishments to reward their employees.This Act provide benefits to all employees who have put in a certain period of service. In this article, we highlight the basic features of this Act and the eligibility to receive these benefits.

The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965

The government enacted this Act to provide for payment of Bonus to all employees based on profit or productivity. The Act provides for payment of minimum Bonus or maximum bonus as decided by the employer. The objective is to reward the employee by sharing a part of the profit earned by the company..

Applicability and Eligibility

All establishments with 10 or more employees are eligible to pay a Bonus to their employees. From the employee’s point of view, every employee drawing Rs:21,000/- or less ( Basic + DA excluding other allowances) per month is eligible to receive a bonus. All allowances like HRA, Overtime, TA, commissions, etc are excluded from the calculation of Bonus.

The minimum rate of Bonus is 8.33% of the salary and the maximum is 20% of the salary. The establishment has to pay a Bonus within 8 months from the close of the financial year. The minimum salary for calculating bonus has been raised to Rs:7,000/- per month from the earlier Rs:3,500/-. Therefore, as of now, the minimum bonus payable will be based on the minimum salary i.e., Rs:7,000/- per month or the rate of minimum wages, whichever is higher.

To become eligible for bonus in a particular year, an employee has to work for not less than 30 working days in that accounting year. Any employee who has been dismissed from service for fraud, violent behavior, theft or misappropriation of funds or for damaging the property, or who has caused financial loss to the company is not eligible to receive bonus.

The employee has to pay the bonus by A/c. Payee cheque or by direct transfer to the Account. As mentioned earlier, the bonus has to be paid within 8 months from the close of the accounting year. However, the government may extend this.

Records/Registers to be maintained

The employer has to maintain the following records or registers:

  • A register in Form A that shows the allocable surplus.
  • A register in Form B showing set on and set off of the allocable surplus.
  • A register in Form C showing details of bonus disbursed.
  • Submission of a return in Form D to the authorities within 30 days of the time limit specified under Section 19.

The employer has to make available all the records/registers as sought by the concerned authorities.


Any contravention of the provisions of the Act will bring about legal action in the form of imprisonment up to 6 months or with a fine up to Rs:1,000/-or both.


The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 was enacted by the government to enable the employees to receive a form of reward for their service to the establishment. All establishments that employ 10 or more employees have to comply with the rules and regulations of these Acts. The onus is on the establishment to maintain all the employee-related records efficiently and accurately. The ideal solution to maintain these records efficiently and in an error-free manner is to outsource the entire payroll process to an efficient service provider.

GetifyHR with its vast experience in the industry and use of the latest high-end technology is a front-runner in all aspects of Payroll Processing. Their cloud-based application can handle Payroll, Attendance & Leave Management, and Statutory Compliance requirements in a most efficient manner. Handling Bonus and Gratuity issues in association with GetifyHR will naturally reduce the burden on the HR team and provide for better functioning of the organization.

minimum wages act

Minimum Wages Act, 1948


Labour Laws have been enacted since Independence to improve the livelihood of the employees. The need to provide due remuneration to the employees and to prevent exploitation by the employers prompted the Government to enact a law that ensures payment of minimum wages to the employees. The need for such an act was extremely critical as it aims to usher in social justice for the workers and also provide them with the rate of wages fixed by the statute.

As per the Indian Constitution, labor laws fall under the Concurrent List, which gives power to both the Central and State Governments to legislate and frame rules. Over the years legislations such as the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, etc., have been enacted by the Government. These enactments play a significant role in protecting the rights and interests of the employees, protecting employees from exploitation by employers, providing better employment opportunities to the workers, and creating a healthy work environment.

The Minimum Wages Act, 1948

The Government of India, to ensure that the employees were provided bare subsistence so that they could maintain a decent standard of living, enacted the Minimum Wages Act, 1948.  The Act ensures that all workers secure wage that is adequate to provide for their family to maintain a decent standard of living. Importantly it ends the exploitation of the workers by the employers.

The Act seeks to protect the rights of the employees by establishing advisory boards to resolve disputes between the employees and employers concerning the payment of minimum wages to the employees.

The Act aims to expand the concept of social justice to the workers and also provide them with minimum wages as fixed by the statute.

The objectives of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948

The objectives of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 are many and varied, and these are listed below:

  1. The objective is to fix the Minimum Wages that are to be provided to the employees. These rates are revised every 5 years.
  2. To secure adequate age for all workers to maintain a decent standard of living.
  3. To standardize the daily working hours of the employees.
  4. To prevent exploitation of the workers by the employers.
  5. To enable the worker to satisfy basic needs, maintain good health and live in comfort.
  6. To penalize the employers when they contravene the Act by paying lesser wages than the announced minimum wages.
  7. To bring equality between men and women in both the wages and working hours


The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 applies to the whole of India. Any employer who employs workers in any scheduled employment is liable to pay minimum wages. However, the government may refrain from fixing minimum wages in respect of any scheduled employment in which there are in the whole state less than 1000 employees engaged in such employment.

Important provisions under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948

The Government, under Section 3 of the Act, fixes the minimum wages payable to the workers under the scheduled employment. This section also mentions that these rates are subject to revision every 5 years.

The provisions of the Act are:

Fixing the Minimum rate of wages

  1. Provision for fixing minimum wages for time work.
  2. Provision for fixing minimum wages for piece work.
  3. Minimum rate of wages for overtime work.
  4. Fixing minimum rates of wages for different classes of work, different scheduled employment, work in different locations, and for different age groups.
  5. Fixing minimum wages by the day or by the month as the case may be.

Appointment of Advisory Board

The Government can appoint Advisory Boards for coordinating the work of committees and sub-committees, and also for advising the government in fixing and revising the rate of wages.

Appointment of Central Advisory Board

The Central Government shall appoint a Central Advisory Board to oversee the matters like fixation and revision of minimum rates of wages of the employees. This Board shall consist of:

  1. Members to be nominated by the Central government to represent both the employers and employees in the scheduled employment.

The number of such members for each side will be equal.

  1. Nominating independent members whose numbers will not exceed one-third of the total members. The Chairperson of the Central Advisory Board will be a member of this group.

Payment of Wages under this Act

  1. Minimum Wages under this Act shall be paid in cash.
  2. The concerned government can notify in the official gazette, of the payment of minimum wages either wholly or partially in kind.
  3. By a notification in the gazette, the government can authorize the supply of essential commodities at concessional rates.

Fixing working hours for the day

These are as per section 13 of the Act.

  1. Provision to fix the working hours for a normal working day with the specified intervals.
  2. Provisions for a day of rest in a seven-day work schedule.

This has to be extended to all classes of employees and adequate remuneration be provided to the worker during the rest day.

  1. Provide payment to the employees who work on a rest day.

This shall not be less than the overtime wages.

  1. An employee is eligible to get overtime pay if he/she works for more than the specified hours. The employer will be liable to pay for every hour or part of the hour worked at the overtime rate fixed.

As per section 15 of the Act, if an employee has worked for fewer hours than the specified hours in a day he/she is entitled to receive the wages as though he/she has worked for a full day.

However, under certain circumstances, he/she may not receive the wages for a full day.

Maintenance of Registers and Records

This comes under section 18 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. Every employer is mandated to maintain registers and records relating to the number of employees employed, the work done by them, the wages paid to them, and maintain the wage receipts and any other relevant information.

Appointment of Inspectors

The Act provides appointment of Inspectors and this is notified in the official gazette. The inspectors are tasked to discharge their duties within the jurisdiction allotted to them.

  1. They are authorized to enter such premises where employees are employed and examine the registers and records of wages paid and hours worked.
  2. They are empowered to take copies of registers, records of wages paid, or any other required documents maintained under the Act.

Provisions for Claims

The Commissioner of Workmen Compensation will decide any claims made by employees for non-payment of minimum wages or an officer designated as Labour Commissioner by the Central Government. They are bound to decide cases in a particular region about matters relating to non-payment or payment of lesser amounts than the minimum wages to the employees.

Petitions have to be filed under Section 20 of the Minimum Sages Act, 1948 to the concerned authorities. They are directed to give adequate opportunities to both the employees and employers to voice their concerns.

The ruling of the authorities will be final and binding on both parties. The authorities appointed by this Act are vested with the powers of a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. They are empowered to take evidence, enforce the attendance of witnesses, call upon for production of documents, etc.

In case the employer is found to have not paid the wages or has delayed the payment of wages, or paid less than the specified wages, the authority will direct the employer to pay the dues along with compensation for damages suffered by the employee. In case the authority is satisfied that the non-payment or delay in payment to the employee was a bona fide error then no compensation is paid.

Penalties for Offences

Under Section 22 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948an employer who defaults in payment of minimum wages to the employees or who contravenes any rule or order made under Section 13 of the Act shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may be extended to 6 months or fine not less than ₹ 500/- or both.

The authority of the Central and State Governments to frame rules

Under Section 29 of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, the Central Government is authorized to make rules by notification in the Official Gazette. All matters relating to terms of office of members, the pattern of voting, the mode of conducting business by the Central Advisory Board, and other relevant matters can be notified under this section.

Section 30 of the Act authorizes State Governments to make rules for carrying out the provisions of the Act, and these have to be notified in the Official Gazette.

The constitutional validity of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948

Employers have challenged the constitutional validity of the Minimum Wages Act 1948 before various courts. Employers have approached the courts on the ground that the provisions of the Act are illegal as it puts unreasonable restrictions on the employer. This deters the employer from continuing the trade or business as the provisions of the Act mandate paying minimum wages to the workers. This also limits the right of the employee as they are unable to work in a trade or business unless there is an agreement between them and the employer. Therefore, the contention was that the Act was a violation of article 19(1)(g) of the Indian Constitution which guarantees freedom of trade and business.

However, the court played a critical role in determining that the Ac was constitutionally valid and it protects the interests of the workers so that they have access to food, shelter, clothing, education, medical assistance, etc. Though the employer may find certain provisions of the Act difficult to carry on business or start a business, these provisions are enacted to protect the interests of the general public.


The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 was enacted to safeguard the rights and interests of the workers employed in scheduled employment. The very purpose of the Act is to provide equal employment opportunities and adequate remuneration to maintain a decent standard of living. The Act prevents exploitation of the workers and provides revision of wages every 5 years and fixing of working hours in a normal working day.

GetifyHR has played a crucial role in enabling its clients to be fully compliant with all the rules and regulations of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948. This has enabled both the employers and employees to co-exist in a harmonious work atmosphere. Our cloud-based payroll outsourcing module has enabled our clients to handle all Payroll related operations like generating Payslips, maintaining Leave and Attendance, complying with all Statutory requirements, and Recruitment. Get in touch with us for a complete solution for all your Payroll needs.