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The importance of paying salaries on time and how outsourcing payroll helps businesses grow!


Fixing employee salaries and paying them on time is a critical operation in any business, whether big or small. The employer and the HR managers put their heads together to chalk out the salary structure of the employees based on designation, rank, performance, etc.  These decisions are crucial as they impact the performance of the company as a whole.

From the point of view of the employee, the real driving force is the salary they take home. This is what pushes him or her to put in their best efforts at the workplace and only when the employee works wholeheartedly does the business grow. Achieving higher productivity is closely linked to the performance of each employee.

Where the work atmosphere and culture are good the employee will show greater loyalty, but it also depends on whether or not you pay your salaries on time every time.

Let us now look at why you should pay your employees on time.

Why you should pay salaries on time, every time?

Paying salaries on time is an Employee Right!

Governments, whether Central or State have made it mandatory that the salaries of employees are disbursed at a fixed schedule. Companies may pay their salaries on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Whatever the case, companies should pay according to their schedule without any delay.

In the event of non-payment or late payment, the employee can file a claim with the concerned department to seek redressal of their grievances. This would lead to a lawsuit against the employer which is not in the interest of the business. The company may end up paying fines or penalties to sort out this problem.

Loss in Productivity

When you delay payment of salaries you are creating unwanted tension within the workforce. This could lead to losing your efficient employees as they look for better paymasters or the performance of employees drop.  This will lead to productivity loss.

When you pay your employees promptly you are sending the message across that you appreciate their contribution and want them to remain loyal. The employees on the other hand become more loyal and wish to associate with the company for longer periods. This is a win-win situation for both. It improves productivity and generates loyalty.

Save on the Cost of Hiring

When you don’t pay your salaries on time your employees are more likely to be dissatisfied. This would entail greater expenses for the company as they have to pay for fresh hires. This would lead to:

– Loss of Productivity as the new employee may take a long time to be as productive as his predecessor.

– Impact the workplace culture due to high employee turnover.

– Increased hiring costs as you may have to spend on the job advertisement, interviewing, and screening the applicants.

– Spend more on Lawyer fees as non-payment or late payment may lead to litigation.

Non-payment or delayed payment of salaries greatly impacts your business. It is imperative that you pay your employees regularly if you are serious about the growth of the company. Companies normally process their payroll either manually using a readymade package like Excel or make use of a customized payroll package that is fully automated. Manual processing is a cumbersome process and is prone to errors. Making use of a customized payroll package is an ideal solution that can handle the process very efficiently. However, it does have its disadvantages.

How Outsourcing can promote business growth

One way to enable regular payment of salaries is by outsourcing your payroll to an efficient service provider. There is no doubt that this will go a long way in improving performance and creating a harmonious work atmosphere.

Payroll outsourcing is a process in which companies hire a service provider to manage all payroll functions. This includes generating accurate payslips, managing leave and attendance, keeping the company compliant with all the statutory rules and regulations, and also handling all recruitment needs. Outsourced payroll solutions have a few advantages and in the long run, they could help the business to grow. Let’s evaluate a few of these advantages and how they support business growth.

Reduce expenses by cutting down on time spent on payroll processing

When you outsource payroll to an efficient service provider, you not only save time but will also cut down on your expenses. Since professionals run the package, you will be able to save time when compared with manual or in-house payroll processing. This will conversely help you to cut down on your costs as you can do away with a dedicated team to handle payroll and also reduce on investment for costly hardware.

Improve capacity utilization to enhance productivity

Outsourcing to a professional service provider will enhance productivity. How does this happen? During manual or in-house processing you will have a dedicated team conducting the operations. The HR team would be on hand to confirm the outcome of the process and take further action.

However, when you outsource the service provider handles the entire operation and this releases the HR team and the other staff from handling this task. This would enable better capacity utilization as the HR team can apply their mind and effort to core business activities and are released from the pressures involved in a mundane activity. This would significantly enhance productivity.

Preventing Data theft and misappropriation of funds

Data security is a vital factor in payroll processing. The risks include data theft, data tampering for personal gains, and misappropriation of funds. When you outsource payroll you are assured of a high degree of security as all the critical data are stored in highly secure cloud-based servers that ensure the very best of data protection.

Keeping the Company Compliant

Being compliant with all the statutory rules and regulations is of utmost importance in any business.  Any business that employs 10 or more persons is liable to comply with these rules and regulations.

Outsourcing payroll to a service provider will ensure that the company is fully compliant with all rules and regulations. Any changes brought about by the Government will get immediately updated so that the company can be compliant always. By being compliant you are avoiding legal issues.

The functioning of the HR and accounting departments is fine-tuned.

Outsourcing frees the HR department to concentrate on core business activities. This will enable them to monitor the employees better, improve employee retention, attract better talent, and enhance the training process. This will improve the overall functioning of the company.

The accounting department would benefit from getting the required data at the end of the payroll process regularly. This will help them to reconcile the accounts and be ready with all the MIS reports required by the management.

Assist employees with an efficient ESS facility

One of the important features of outsourcing is the highly efficient ESS module that comes with the package. This module will be beneficial for both the employees and the employer. The employees can have access to all relevant information, especially about leave and attendance. The mobile app that is inbuilt gives them the required information on their smartphones.


Payroll processing is a highly critical function that directly affects the business. Whether you do it manually or through in-house automation or outsourcing, any inefficiency in the performance would adversely affect the business. However, outsourcing to a professional service provider will provide a platform that integrates Payroll management, HR management, Leave and Attendance Management, and Statutory Compliance.

GetifyHR offers an exceptional cloud-based payroll module that integrates all aspects of payroll processing. This package provides a high degree of integration of all modules that give the user highly accurate reports as and when required.

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